zakaj pa ti ne ješ na bone? - zagovorniška kampanja javnih menz / why don't you eat with coupons? - advocacy campaign for public cafeterias

Ozaveščanje študentske javnosti ter tematsko povezane strokovne ter splošne javnosti o trenutnem neurejenem stanju študentske subvencionirane prehrane in vršenje pritiska na odločevalce.


  • Izdelali smo zloženko, ki je predstavila poglobljeno analizo predloga ZUPŠ-2, ki posega tudi v Zakon o subvencioniranju študentske prehrane. Zloženka je bila dostopna na spletu in na vseh fizičnih dogodkih ter kampanjah. Dokaz tega je zaključena zloženka, dostopna na naših dogodkih in kampanjah ter na spletni strani društva Iskra.
  • Kot del kampanje smo organizirali pet menz za študente, kjer je bilo skupaj razdeljenih najmanj 1.000 obrokov. Število razdeljenih obrokov smo spremljali z udeleženskimi podpisi ob obroku.
  • Ozaveščali smo študentsko javnost skozi video kampanjo. Posneli smo štiri kratke videoposnetke, od katerih je vsak dosegel približno 10.000 ogledov, skupaj pa smo zbrali najmanj 40.000 ogledov. Od teh gledalcev se je 2,5% odzvalo na vsebino s všečki, komentarji ali delitvami objav.
  • Pred začetkom digitalne kampanje smo izvedli anketo o ozaveščenosti študentov o študentski prehrani. Enaka anketa je bila ponovljena po kampanji, da smo ocenili spremembe v ozaveščenosti. V anketi je sodelovalo najmanj 50 oseb.
  • Izvedli smo dve javni razpravi, kjer smo spodbujali, da se v diskurz o aktualni problematiki vključijo tako študentje kot strokovna javnost. Udeležbo smo beležili s podpisi udeležencev in fotografijami.

Objavili smo gradiva (zloženka, povzetek razprav in dopis) na spletni strani društva Iskra.

S sodelovanjem v delovni skupini pri pripravljanju razpisa za ponudnike študentske prehrane na Ministrstvu za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti (MDDSZ) in prispevkom v obliki dopisa smo zagotovili, da so bile naše ideje, s poudarkom na menzah, upoštevane pri oblikovanju razpisa.

S svojim odzivom na ZUPŠ-2 v obliki javnega pisma in dopisa ŠOS-u ter odločevalcem ključnim za sistem študentske prehrane smo dosegli odziv ŠOS-a, medijsko pokrivanje problematike študentske prehrane in s tem sprožitev javnih razprav na to temo. To je ustvarilo pomemben pritisk na odločevalce. Rezultat je vključeval dopis ŠOS-u in drugim odločevalcem, odgovor ŠOS-a na naš dopis, medijsko pokrivanje problematike študentske prehrane ter konceptualne predloge za ZUPŠ-2 (pet člankov in odzivi nanje).


Raising awareness among the student public and the related professional and general public about the current unregulated state of subsidized student meals and exerting pressure on decision-makers.


  • We created a leaflet that presented an in-depth analysis of the ZUPŠ-2 proposal, which also amends the Act on Subsidized Student Meals. The leaflet was made available online and at all in-person events and campaigns. Proof of this is the completed leaflet, accessible at our events and campaigns as well as on the website of the Iskra association.
  • As part of the campaign, we organized five student cafeterias, where at least 1,000 meals were distributed in total. The number of distributed meals was tracked through participant signatures during the meal distribution.
  • We raised student awareness through a video campaign. We produced four short videos, each of which achieved approximately 10,000 views, totaling at least 40,000 views. Of these viewers, 2.5% engaged with the content by liking, commenting, or sharing the posts.
    Before starting the digital campaign, we conducted a survey on students' awareness of the student meal system. The same survey was repeated after the campaign to assess any changes in awareness. At least 50 individuals participated in the survey.
  • We held two public discussions, encouraging both students and the expert public to participate in the discourse on the current issues. Attendance was recorded through participant signatures and photographs.
  • We published materials (the leaflet, a summary of the discussions, and the formal letter) on the website of the Iskra association.

By participating in the working group for preparing the call for proposals for student meal providers at the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs, and Equal Opportunities (MDDSZ) and contributing through an official letter, we ensured that our ideas, with a focus on student cafeterias, were considered in the development of the call.

Through our response to ZUPŠ-2 in the form of a public letter and a formal letter to the Student Organization of Slovenia (ŠOS) and decision-makers crucial to the student meal system, we achieved a response from ŠOS, media coverage of the issues surrounding student meals, and the initiation of public debates on this topic. This created significant pressure on decision-makers. The result included a formal letter to ŠOS and other decision-makers, a response from ŠOS to our letter, media coverage of student meal issues, and conceptual proposals for ZUPŠ-2 (five articles and responses to them).