strpnost je kul / tolerance is cool

Inovativni pilotni projekt »Strpnost je kul« obravnava problem nestrpnosti med otroki ter s tem povezanega sovražnega govora, obrekovanja in medsebojnega izključevanja v osnovnih šolah. Sodelujoči v projektu bodo spoznali temeljne vrednote Evropske unije in se poglabljali v temo strpnosti in prijateljstva. Vsak mentor bo v svojem razredu pripravil uprizoritveno predstavo na temo strpnosti in jo posnel.

Pedagoškim delavcem, ki se bodo vključili v projekt »Strpnost je kul«, bodo med izvajanjem projekta nudili tudi strokovno podporo pri izvajanju skupinske uprizoritvene predstave z otroki, kot tudi pri reševanju morebitnih konfliktov, ki bodo nastali med njimi.

Ciljna skupina projekta so učenci prve in druge triade ter pedagoški delavci, ki poučujejo v prvi in drugi triadi osnovne šole. 

Glavni cilj in pričakovani rezultat projekta je zmanjševanje nestrpnosti in sovražnega govora ter večje poznavanje pomena vrednot EU, strpnosti in prijateljstvo med otroki. Hkrati bodo zasledovali tudi cilj usposabljanja pedagoških delavcev in izvajanje uprizoritvene predstave o strpnosti za otroke tako v času izvajanja projekta kot po njegovem zaključku. Projekt je nastal v partnerstvu z Zavodom Eksena Records.

Kaj bodo dosegli:

  • izdelali pedagoški priročnik (Pedagoški priročnik bo vseboval smernice za izvajanje projekta namenjene pedagoškim delavcem, ki bodo skozi seminarje usposobljeni za izvajanje aktivnosti, ki krepijo temeljne vrednote EU in strpnost.)
  • izvedli tri seminarje za pedagoške delavce in
  • pripravili dve video učni vsebini (Pedagoškim delavcem bosta v pomoč pri delu tudi dve video učni vsebini s pravljičnim likom vile Eksene, ki jim bo na zanimiv in inovativen način predstavila EU vrednote in pojem strpnosti.)



The innovative pilot project "Tolerance is Cool" addresses issues of intolerance among children, including associated problems like hate speech, gossip, and mutual exclusion in elementary schools. The project participants will explore the fundamental values of the European Union and delve into the theme of tolerance and friendship. Each mentor will prepare a performative show on the theme of tolerance in their classroom and record it.

Educational staff involved in the "Tolerance is Cool" project will receive professional support in conducting the group performative show with children, as well as in resolving any conflicts that may arise among them.

Target Group

The project's target group includes primary school students from the first and second cycles, along with the pedagogical staff teaching in these grades.

Goals and Activities

The main objective and expected result of the project are to reduce intolerance and hate speech while increasing understanding of the values of the EU, tolerance, and friendship among children. The project also aims to train pedagogical staff and to perform a show on tolerance for children both during the project and after its conclusion. The project is being implemented in partnership with the Eksena Records Foundation.

Key Achievements:

  1. Creation of an Educational Handbook
    • The handbook will provide guidelines for implementing the project aimed at pedagogical staff, who will be trained through seminars to conduct activities that strengthen the fundamental values of the EU and promote tolerance.
  2. Conducting Three Seminars for Pedagogical Staff
    • The seminars will equip educators with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement the project’s activities effectively.
  3. Preparation of Two Video Learning Contents
    • The video content will assist educators in their work by featuring a storytelling character, the fairy Eksena, who will engage them in an interesting and innovative manner to present the values of the EU and the concept of tolerance.