On February 2 2025 there were 27,421 non-governmental organisations registered in Slovenia, of which 23,147 were associations, 4,008 (private) institutes and 266 foundations. That is 21 less than on January 5 2025, when there were 23,173 associations, 4,003 (private) institutes and 266 foundations.
In recent years, the number of NGOs has been decreasing, after several years of growth. On 17 September 2012 22,490 associations, 2,324 institutes and 251 foundations were registered. On November 4, 2022, there were 27,550 NGOs, of which 23,459 were associations, 3,831 (private) institutions and 260 institutions. Not all registered NGOs are necessarily active. In accordance with the established practice, active organisations are those submitting their annual reports to AJPES, which is cca. 3 % less than the number of registered organisations. The data on active NGOs is only accessible for previous years and likely to be available each September when AJPES has processed aggregated data on submitted annual reports. In 2022, there were more than 27,500 active associations, institutes and foundations.
The data on associations also comprise data on society branches and youth councils, and data on institutes comprise data on religious communities having the humanitarian organisation status. The data exclude the associations, institutes and foundations that have been established by the Republic of Slovenia, municipalities or other public sector entities.